10 malaysian trumpet snails. Malaysian Trumpet Snails are great for turning over your substrate and eating uneaten foods
Order of 30 MTS
My order came in very well packed and insulated. All 30 plus a few bonus snails were healthy and active. Got them to help clean up my tanks, and to help keep cycles going. Plus they are beneficial to the shrimp!
Malaysian Trumpet Snails
I purchased 20 more of these guys and I'm fairly certain that I counted 27 of them in all. Some were large and some were just babies. It was a little stressful trying to ensure that I didn't miss the rice-sized babies in the bag or just mistake them for a pebble. Really I'm not sure you're ever going to find a better deal for these guys. They're great at cleaning up and even though they hide, you know where they are. Just look for the pile of shrimp surrounding the substrate where they burrowed. Just added entertainment and a shrimp magnet. Didn't expect to like them this much, but they're awesome!
Malaysian Trumpet Snails
It's hard trying to find these snails and at such a reasonable price. I got 12 of these guys and I find them to be very interesting. So much so that I'll probably end up getting another order for other tanks. I do find it hilarious that the shrimp find foraging food off their shells to be irresistible. Thanks as always for the healthy and quality livestock.