Beautiful, Happy, Healthy 24k Golden Yellow shrimp.
Neocaridina shrimp are the most popular type of colorful shrimp found in aquariums. Their vivid colors along with their relative ease to keep and breed make them a favorite of both new and older hobbyists.
The parameters we keep them at are approximately PH 7.0, TDS 250, GH 8-10, KH 3-6. They will survive and thrive in a wide range of water conditions. These conditions are often met by simply using your local tap water and treating with a dechlorinator.
Shrimp are peaceful scavengers that do best in tanks with only shrimp. While your fish may not actively harass/eat them, at least early on, shrimp will tend to hide when they see a fish they are unsure of overhead. Shrimp will spend most of their time foraging on the bottom of the tank, on decorations like wood and stone, and on plants and mosses. It is very important to not overfeed them as this can cause your water quality to deteriorate. Only feed them as much as they will consume in 2 hours. Any leftover food after that time should be removed.
High Quality Shrimp
All of my shrimp arrived healthy and are thriving in their new home. I will be making more purchases from you in the future. Thanks for your clear commitment to providing great shrimp!
Yellow Golden 24K Neocaridina purchase review
The shrimp all arrived in excellent condition, and the box was wonderfully insulated. I got very worried that them being on the delivery truck for eight hours in the heat would hurt or kill them, but thanks to the insulation they all arrived healthy and ready to go. They are absolutely gorgeous to look at, are very healthy, and they happily settled right in.
Shrimp order
Best packaging for safely shipping live shrimp. Animals all came in amazing health and color. Highly recommend!
24k neocaridina
Another great order from buyetshrimp! Shrimp arrived in excellent condition and color even though they had just been through two days of shipping. 100% alive arrival....
24k golden back
Excellent communicator. Top quality stocks
Great shape when arrived
Would order again
I ordered 10 yellow neocaridina shrimp, received 11, all well. Looking forward to them growing and breeding! Highly recommend buypetshrimp.com
Very Healthy!
Nice sized shrimp that were immediately active in their new home.
Healthy and high quality
Shrimp arrived promptly and healthy. After several poor experiences with typical import stock, I am thrilled to have these high quality shrimp, and at the same price point as my LFS low quality stock.